Melvin M. Taylor 1935 ~ 2010 Melvin Midgley Taylor, dedicated husband, father, grandfather, great grandfather, brother and friend, left this earth with honor, and was reunited with his beloved wife, on Sunday afternoon, September 26, 2010 at Salt Lake Regional Hospital. He bravely endured months of hospitalization, with the goal of returning to health and enjoying more years with his family. The tender care and dedication of the medical professionals involved in his stay is greatly appreciated and will never be forgotten. He often expressed his gratitude for their kindness and encouragement. Melvin was preceded in death by the love of his life, his dear wife Carol and is survived by his six daughters: Teri Jerman, Melissa Longton, Wendy Bradbury, Rebecca Lund, Jill Pitkin, Amber Russell; his 21 grandchildren and his 21 great grandchildren, also Mel's brother and sisters: Helen Richard, Myrna Lou Banks, Marilyn Lundberg, Don Taylor, Luann Putnam, Joyce White, Glen Taylor, Linda Duering and their spouses, all of whom he loved dearly. Melvin was a long time business owner and was appreciated for his excellent business skills, but more than that, he was loved and admired for his honesty, trustworthiness, hard work and respect for his fellow man. His decisions were always guided by these values. Mel's love of his wife and family were always evident. His family sees his life as a tribute to his Savior Jesus Christ. Melvin served in many church callings including several LDS missions, the most recent where he and his wife Carol, served, helping in the "Addiction Recovery Program". He will be truly missed but we know he was welcomed by a host of waiting loved ones.
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