September 11, 2008

Lookie what we found!!!

Ellie, Jonathan, and I found this in our driveway a few weeks ago. It's a mother hobo spider with her babies on her back. According to National Geographic this is a VERY rare thing to see. Jonathan first spotted her getting out of the car. He told me to grab the camera. The neighbors even came by for a sneak peek. She was holding so still probably in fear.

After a few minutes taking pictures she took a run for it under my car. We all ran back and screamed! We had planned on killing her with poison to prevent more hobo's running around the yard. I had our neighbor Teri move my car back (I refused I was too scared to get off Jonathans car) so Jonathan could spray. Once he started she started running in a frenzy and of coarse all of us girls started screaming and running the other way. After a minute she stopped moving and she was a gone.

So YAY for Jonathan for saving the day (and taking a very rare picture for us to share with all). MY HERO!

September 1, 2008

Just some Pictures of Ellie and I

Putting together some collages I had the challenge of finding pictures of both Ellie and I. This is what I found.